MWSA Summer Tour 2017

MWSA Summer Tour July 20 & 21 based out of Portage la Prairie.  Rooms are blocked under "Manitoba Weed Supervisors Association" at Days Inn in Portage La Prairie. Located at Hwy 1 and Yellow Quill Trail. Tour is July 20th and will cover RM of North Norfolk, RM of Portage and South Central Weed District. Please book rooms before June 28th.


Featuring a weed seedling ID presentation by Jeanette Gaultier (MB Ag) followed by a live weed seedling ID practice session.

 1 p.m. Manitoba Institute of Culinary Arts, ACC North Hill Campus

2-3:30 p.m. ACC-MZTRA Weed Identification Garden, ACC North Hill Campus

Rain or Shine!  Everyone Welcome!

 For more information, please contact:

Jeanette Gaultier:  Manitoba Agriculture (204)745-7886

Keith Loney: North Cypress – Langford Weed District (204) 841-0097

Danielle Tichit:  Assiniboine Community College (204) 725-8700 ext. 6217

Parking:  East Parking Lot (see map below)

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